Rockfon Senses - Biophilic acoustic wall panels

Rockfon Senses - Biophilic acoustic wall panels

Rockfon Senses - Biophilic acoustic wall panels

Design for every sense.

Bring a breath of fresh air and a sense of wellbeing to your interiors with the Rockfon Senses acoustic wall panels. Crafted from fragrant alpine meadow flowers, grasses and leaves, they capture nature’s tactile beauty, as well as unwanted noise. Made from organic materials and hand-finished for the perfect look, you can feel as good about your designs as the people who enjoy them.

Senses is designed to create biophilic spaces by bringing nature’s beauty to the indoor environment. In addition to excellent acoustic performance that reduces noise and stress, their naturally comforting textures create a tactile experience that contributes to occupant wellbeing in every sense.


Main material: Stone Wool Designed in: Denmark
Publishing date: 28 december 2022 Product page
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